British Muslims Fighting against Islamophobia

British Muslims Fighting against Islamophobia

the Muslim community in Birmingham chose to do something to show the true face of Islam: rahmatan lil-alamin, a blessing for the universe.

Dark clouds still cover the United Kingdom and some European countries. The issue of hatred towards religions is still clinging to, along with the rising of tensions in Arab countries, and the challenges of asylum seekers immigrants that increase in Europe.

Amidst the dark cloud, hatred towards Islam and Judaism is still at a high escalation. Hatred of Islam manifested in the patterns of Islamophobia. Meanwhile, hatred towards the Jewish community is seen in increasing of antisemitism. Both seem to go hand in hand with a slice of the case that is almost similar, even though it originated in attacks on adherents of different religions. However, the pattern of hatred between the two is almost the same, namely in the realm of terror over religious freedom, as well as attacks on religious minorities.

In this essay, the author highlights the basic things related to the rise of Islamophobia in European countries, especially in Great Britain, as well as how the Muslim community fights hatred with a peace campaign, introducing Islam with love.

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